Sunday, May 9, 2010

mother's day in the garden...

think we've all had a failed mother's day at some point in our lives.  Everyone had the best intentions, but somehow time got away from us and we forgot to call, we didn't get the card in the mail on time or we just totally spaced and missed it all together!

As a Mom, it hurts to be on the receiving (or non-receiving) end of that kind of day.  Although, as a Mom, I totally understand how it happens. I haven't always been the best at getting the card in the mail either.  But in the back of my mind, I always hope that my kids will be better at it than I am ... as in most things, we as mothers, always hope for our children to be better, stronger, smarter, etc. than we are.

Well, today was the Mother's Day we all hope for - and rarely get (likely because we dream of perfection in an imperfect world).

Oldest son (who lives out of town) actually got a card in the mail.  And since Mother's Day is on Sunday (no mail delivery) - he actually planned ahead and it arrived on Saturday :) YAY! It was the perfect HA-HA card and fit him to a T!

Middle son got up early (a very rare occurance) and made a lovely breakfast for me (and everyone else).  Set the table, warmed the syrup and even cleaned up the dishes afterwards!  Bonus - he also had a gift and a card for me!

Daughter dashed out the door right after breakfast (also amazing that she was up that early), shouted "I'll be back in a few" and took off down the driveway.  And in "just a few" she appeared with a big white box that contained the most beautiful lemon cake smothered in big fat strawberries and gorgeous pink roses!  The card attached said "You are the most beautiful and vibrant person I know".

After breakfast and gifts and hugs and kisses all around, it was time for a walk through the garden with my fresh cup o' coffee.

The day had already been so perfect, I was afraid to do anything that might "jinx" it for me!  My expectations were low, while my hope would be that I would find something new to enjoy. Another gift? In the garden? Would there be something to behold?

It didn't take long and I didn't have to go far.  There they were, right in front of me. Beautiful new blossoms that surely weren't there yesterday! Fresh and vibrant and full of new life!

So what did I learn today?

Oh, I can just barely bring myself to say this!

It's just almost painful!

I've said this to my children OVER and OVER again - why wasn't I listening when I said it?

"RELAX ... and expect it when you least expect it"

Happy Mother's Day!

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