Thursday, June 10, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For ...

So a little over a month now with virtually no rain.  Sitting on the patio a couple of nights ago, we had an everso slight few minutes of "mist".  We looked up into the sky and said "Oh, if only it would just open up and rain for a good long time!" .... Well, it certainly did last night!

We awoke this morning after a full night of thunder and lighting and buckets of water falling from the sky!  Came downstairs to find that we needed those buckets in the living room since the water was drizzling through the ceiling onto my leather couch and hardwood floors.  "Quick everyone! Grab towels! Start mopping! Run to the garage and grab some empty plastic bins!" ... So I took garage duty.  Ran through the rain and into the garage.  "YIKES!! Somebody help!  There's water pouring into the garage from the side walls and the floor is flooding! We need to move everything off the floor - and QUICK!"

It's about 330p now and the rain is still falling, but not so heavily, thank goodness.  The yard and the flower beds and the driveway have been flooded.  My poor cannas and gladiolus have been pummeled by the rain and the garage is soaking wet.  Thankfully, the water has stopped dripping from the ceiling, but I'm leaving the plastic bins scattered around the living room just in case!  The weather report said we'd had over EIGHT INCHES of rain by noon today!

I think we should start drawing up the plans for an Ark!

view from the kitchen window at 1030am

my poor cannas :(

The front flower bed along the driveway - all washed away :(
I spent so much time on this, planting multiple varieties of
cosmos, zinnias, bells of ireland and delphiniums
from seed!  They were all just about 6" tall.
Gone now.

The front pasture where we play bocce ball.
Looks like we're starting a lake!

The front driveway.  Looks like I'll be doing some
shoveling AND mowing this weekend!

One of my French flower buckets sitting on the back patio.  Just a little rain, ya' think?

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