Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Net vs The Garden

When we moved to "the country" we had a lot of expectations. Mostly about slowing things down.  The pace of our lives had just become overwhelming - too many appointments, too many cars on the road, too many phone calls, too many obligations to people other than those that are most important to our family.  And so we made a choice to move to a place where life is a little slower, a place where we can relax a little more and enjoy the simple pleasures - but a place where we can still enjoy the excitement of the city when we need "a fix" ... just an hour and a half to destination population over 6million (last I heard).

However, along with that slower pace of living comes .... SLOWER INTERNET!!!  Arrrrgggg!!  We had forgotten about that little issue.  And the momentary horror of being told initially "I'm sorry ma'am, but we only offer DIAL-UP in your area" .... WHAAATTT!!  DIAL UP??  Are you kidding me?  (some of you may not be even old enough to remember dial-up internet ... let's just say, you might as well handwrite a letter and put it in the mailbox.  It's about that slow!)

After much research and many phone calls, we finally found internet access.  At a whopping 1.5mbps - WOW - blazing fast, huh?  But, we adapted, because after all, we did want a slower lifestyle.  Then this week, an unexpected gift!  A phone call from ATT to tell us that they could UPGRADE our internet service and could now offer us "SUPER FAST" connections of up to ... ready for this? ... 3.0mbps ... !!  Holy Cow - now we're up to almost half of what we had in our previous life!

But we didn't move here to be on the internet all day long.  We moved here to enjoy nature and family and friends ... and the simple things we had been taking for granted during the past 30 years of our marriage.

And so, today, I bring to you ... at "lighting speed" from East Texas ... my newest discovery in the garden :)

One of my favorites, the gladiola.  A bright beautiful shade of fuschia in the front ... and a brilliant orange-red in the back! Both an unexpected gift in this morning's garden tour.

Enjoy ... and remember to slow down - when you can ...
try to notice the little things ...they can make such a difference in your day!

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