Saturday, June 19, 2010

Blue Skies and Sunshine ...

The rain has come and gone, and after all the destruction - it was minor, really, but seemed devastating at the time - the glory of the garden is in full swing again.  The flowers - and the veggies - smiled upon all of the water and gave us another full crop of zucchini, green beans, onions, carrots and green peppers.  Dinner last night was full of flavor and freshness! Fettucini with julienned zucchini, carrots, yellow peppers, basil and tomatoes
all from our garden!

Desert was provided by my daughter, who loves to get into the kitchen ... but only when it involves BAKING.  Her specialty of the evening - made-from-scratch-cupcakes with a delicious chocolate ganache frosting, topped with fresh strawberry slices.  OH SO GOOD!

A walk across the property revealed new flowers that were undiscovered until now.  The beautiful vibrant colors make me smile.

I've taken to carrying my big Nikon D80 with me for my morning walks.
I never know what I'll discover - so best to be prepared.  While my skills as a photographer are not the best, I still enjoy capturing "moments" that may never be seen again.
I share with you some of my early morning findings ... hope you enjoy them too!

Wishing you a day filled with all
the brilliant colors of your life!

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